Wedge Wire Screen Cylinders

Wedge Wire Screen Cylinders

Screens suitable for angular filter, straight filter and Y filter in the food-processing, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and some chemical industries. It is widely used for prefiltration of liquids with solids with the size even smaller than the sizes of the perforated sheet.

It consists of v-shaped profiles welded accurately on cross support bars that allows to control the distance between the v-shaped profiles. This distance is the slot opening.

The wedge wire screen can be used in any of INOXPA filters. It is assembled to the filter body by clamp, this allows an easy and quick disassembling for cleaning with possibility to clean the wedge wire screen with a reversed flow (back flushing).

Technical informations

The features of the wedge wire screen:

Great mechanical strength; Highly resistant to abrasivity and vibration; It can hold more pressure and temperature compared to the perforated sheet screen;  Longer screen life; Larger useful area than that of the standard perforated sheet screen.

Standard slot openings: 0,05 / 0,1 / 0,2 / 0,3 and 0,4 mm; Available sizes: from DN 25 / DN 1" to DN 100 / DN 4".


Screen: AISI 316L
Gaskets: EPDM according to FDA 177.2600
Surface finish: Electropolish

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