SteriPig Product Recovery System
The PIG system is ideal for the recovery of any product remaining in a pipeline at the end of the transfer process. As this product can be of a high value the PIG system recovers the product removing it from the pipelines and preparing the pipeline for a CIP process. Another benefit is the reduction of the fluid sent to the sewage treatment plant that results in saving energy and water.
The main application of the system is viscous media. Among the products treated there are gels, creams, ointments, emulsions and other products of high value in the pharmaceutical or cosmetic industry.
The STERIPIG system offers a completely hygienic product recovering solution because no component enters or leaves the installation. The sphere is positioned by external magnet. During the CIP process, when the flow rate is sufficient, the sphere gets free inside the launcher or receiver avoiding any dead leg zones between the pipeline and the sphere.
The system includes a launcher, a receiver, a PIG (a sphere), two position detectors (one for the launcher and the other for the receiver), four automatic butterfly valves and two KH three way valves.
Technical informations
PIG can pass through 1.5D bends; Connections: Clamp OD (standard); Size ranges: From 1 ½" (DN 40) to 3" (DN 80); Hygienic design according to the EHEDG specifications.
Metal parts in contact with the product: AISI 316L
Other metal parts: AISI 304
PIG: Silicone
Gasket: EPDM according to FDA 177.2600
Internal surface finish: Ra ≤ 0,5 µm